ApexCharts React Tutorial

What is ApexCharts?

ApexCharts offers a great level of interactivity out-of-the-box. It is highly customizable, with responsive design built-in. Additionally, it can work across most javascript libraries without additional work required. It is a newer library and may have a steeper learning curve than other library offerings.

What is React?

React is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, particularly single-page applications where dynamic content needs to be updated without reloading the page. Developed by Facebook (now Meta Platforms), React has grown in popularity due to its simplicity, efficiency, and scalability. It allows developers to build large web applications that can change data without reloading the page, offering a responsive and fluid user experience. React has a virtual DOM for faster manipulation, a component based architecture, and a great community for support. It is efficient, flexible, and widely used in the market.

ApexCharts React Code Example

Below is a straightforward guide to implementing a basic line chart using ApexCharts within a React application. ApexCharts is a modern charting library that helps developers to create beautiful and interactive charts with ease. React, on the other hand, is a popular JavaScript framework for building user interfaces.

First, ensure you have React and ApexCharts set up in your project. If not, you can install them using npm as shown below:

npm install react apexcharts react-apexcharts --save

Once the installation is complete, you can proceed to create a line chart. Here's how:

Step 1: Import the Required Modules

Open your React component, and import React, Chart from ApexCharts, and the necessary ApexCharts React component as follows:

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import Chart from 'react-apexcharts';

Step 2: Setup the Chart Options and Series

In your component's constructor or state (if using functional components with hooks), define the chart's options and the series. Here is an example:

class LineChart extends Component {
 constructor(props) {

   this.state = {
     options: {
       chart: {
         type: 'line'
       xaxis: {
         categories: ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep']
     series: [{
       name: 'Sample Data',
       data: [30, 40, 45, 50, 49, 60, 70, 91, 125]

 render() {
   return (

export default LineChart;

Step 3: Rendering the Chart Component

Finally, incorporate the LineChart component into your app. For instance, if you wish to render it within the App.js file of a React application, the process should look something like this:

import React from 'react';
import LineChart from './LineChart'; // Adjust the import path based on your project structure

function App() {
 return (
     My First ApexCharts Line Chart in React

export default App;

With this setup, you should now be able to run your React application and see a beautiful line chart powered by ApexCharts. The chart's appearance and data can be easily customized by adjusting the options and series in the state.


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