
Find out about the latest features and improvements to Explo.

March 22, 2024
📆 Calendar Heatmap
Other Features & Improvements:
  • AI model improvements
  • Optional archetype variables
  • Report builder scatterplots

February 23, 2024
▶️ Custom JS Button
Other Features & Improvements:
  • Report Builder Area Charts
  • All Columns Drilldown
  • Edit underlying dataset of a chart

February 9, 2024
🚣 Row Level Actions
Other Features & Improvements:
  • Data table state persistence
  • Clickable KPI and condition filters
  • Min/max date passing

January 26, 2024
📁 Foldering
Other Features & Improvements:
  • Multi column initial sort
  • Variable update passing
  • Color values at dashboard level

January 12, 2024
🎨 Modal Overlay Background Color Control
Other Features & Improvements:
  • Conditional Colors for Boolean Cells
  • Subdomain for share link in email
  • Embed Modal Revamp

December 29, 2023
📄 Report Builder In App Docs
Other Features & Improvements:
  • ParadeDB Integration
  • Custom URL to email cadence
  • Report Builder Groups Toggle

December 15, 2023
♻️ New Pivot Table Row Sort
Other Features & Improvements:
  • Image url from dataset variable
  • Hide editable section option
  • Hour grouping in report builder

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