Sitting on a wealth of internal data you want to analyze?
Use Explo's powerful dashboard builder for your internal BI.
‍‍All for free.
Sitting on a wealth of internal data?
Use Explo's powerful dashboard builder for your internal BI.
All for free.
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Powerful platform

With Explo, create detailed and advanced dashboards, connected to your data

Drag and drop builder

Explo’s drag and drop builder makes it easy to build great dashboards

Unlimited dashboards

Get unlimited use of your Explo dashboard as well as unlimited widgets and charts

Unlimited users

Add as many Explo viewers and creators to your dashboard for free

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Sales and revenue analysis

Explo Launch Tier can help organizations analyze their sales data, identify business trends, and evaluate sales performance.

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Customer usage analytics

Explo Launch Tier can help analyze how your customers are using your product and how to decrease retention, increase expansion, and more.

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Supply chain optimization

Explo Launch Tier can provide actionable intelligence across each leg of your production process and fix potential problems.

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Company financial analysis

Explo Launch Tier can help generate financial reports that identify trends and showcase a company's financial health at a single glance.

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Team efficiency and productivity

Explo Launch Tier can help track key performance indicators (KPIs) for your team's efficiency and productivity to maximize workflow efficiency.

Next steps

Creating dashboards and reports for your customer has never been easier. Find out how Explo can work for your team.