Heat Map: You can configure this by dragging a new data panel and selecting the heat map icon in the visualization tab. This will allow you to visualize two dimensional data in a clean and simple format!
Multi-select Dropdown: This new dashboard input element functions like the dropdown element but allows your users to select multiple options to filter the dashboard by multiple categories.
Responsive Dashboard Layout: Dashboards are now responsive to the screen size that your users are viewing the dashboard on. On a mobile screen, the dashboard will re-arrange automatically to better suit the smaller screen.
Default variable values: You are now able to set default values for any variable in your dashboard. You can pass those values in via the embedded components “variable” property, or add them as URL parameters. This allows you to show users a pre-filtered version of the dashboard.
Chart value formatting: Values in line and bar charts can now be formatted to represent dollars, percents, and more!
Data Panel Editing Improvements: It is now easier to move between data panels on the dashboard edit page when creating your dashboard. You can edit a data panel with a single click and then leave edit mode by clicking the escape key or clicking onto the blank dashboard canvas. If you made any changes to the data panel before exiting, it will ask you to confirm that you want to abandon your changes.
Text in data tables now wraps rather than truncating so that your users can see all the data they need. You can also set the width of columns in a data table so that it displays just the way you want for your users.
Changing the color of the line chart wasn’t updating in real time in the dashboard editor
Some small edge cases while editing pie charts was leading to crashing.
Some design tweaks to the data panel editor to streamline the UI.
When creating custom variables in the dashboard, if you clicked save twice it would save two versions of the same variables.