In today's data-driven business landscape, companies are seeking ways to harness and share the power of data for improved sales processes. Nooks, an AI-powered dialer, recognizes the significance of customer-facing analytics for hundreds of companies. As the CEO of Nooks, Dan Lee is responsible for ensuring that Nooks’ customers have the tools and insights they need to make the most of their product experience.
“Data is not just important but pivotal to our customers and our product offering. It provides the means to gauge the effectiveness of Nooks and pinpoint areas for improvement. Our users need access to data on their sales calls and performance metrics, and they expect this information on a daily basis.” - Dan Lee, CEO at Nooks
Nooks’ priority was building an analytics offering that would enable their customer’s end-users to access reporting metrics related to their productivity, sales calls, and performance. Nooks’ customers needed real-time data to make informed decisions and track their progress effectively. Sales processes vary significantly from one company to another, making the task not just about displaying data, but about creating adaptable and personalized dashboards to meet the unique requirements of their customers.
Given the complexity of the task and Nooks’ desire to move quickly, they decided not to build an in-house solution. Developing such a product capability in-house would have required substantial time and resources, diverting their engineering efforts from other critical roadmap initiatives.
Nooks’ primary evaluation criteria encompassed the following:
1. Scalability: Nooks needed a platform that could scale with a growing user base and evolving requirements. Solutions with extensive coding cycles would not meet the rapid requests of their customers.
2. Responsiveness & Support: Nooks sought a company that could demonstrate both a quick and knowledgeable approach to aiding them in the implementation NOW, and a partner to support customizations in the FUTURE.
3. Cost: Compared to alternatives, Explo’s lower-entry point and predictable pricing model made the most economic sense for Nooks - without sacrificing quality and functionality.
Working with Explo proved to be a seamless experience. Within a few weeks, Nooks was able to design and deploy six white-labeled dashboards, each catering to different aspects of their users' needs. These dashboards provide real-time insights into user productivity, sales call data, and pipeline performance metrics. Nooks’ customers took notice of the dashboards with enthusiasm. What was once a standalone feature has now become an integral part of the platform offering. Explo dashboards enable self-service, making it easy for Nooks’ customers to customize the dashboards to gain real-time insights into data that matters the most to them.
In terms of time and resources saved, it is estimated that Explo's solution has likely saved Nooks several weeks to months of engineering time on the initial build out of their analytics offering. The time required to create a dashboard using Explo was notably faster and more efficient than developing an in-house solution. The ease of customization and integration enabled Nooks to develop dashboards tailored to their users' specific needs. With an in-house solution, Nooks would have required a dedicated engineer to continue developing and maintaining dashboards.
In addition to time savings, significant cost savings were observed. The expenses associated with building and maintaining an in-house analytics solution, including ongoing maintenance and support, would have been considerably higher compared to using Explo. The cost-effectiveness of Explo played a pivotal role in Nooks' decision-making process.
“Our experience working with the Explo team was outstanding. Their responsiveness and expertise were invaluable in ensuring a smooth integration of the analytics solution into our platform. Their team worked closely with us to understand our unique requirements and guided us through the customization process.”
In summary, Nooks' experience with Explo has been highly positive. The expertise of the Explo team, the flexibility of the solution, and its cost-effectiveness have made it a valuable addition to Nooks.
“Nooks wholeheartedly recommends Explo to other companies seeking an embedded analytics solution. It has not only enhanced our product offering but has also facilitated data-driven decision-making for our customers, ultimately improving end-user productivity and success with Nooks.”