How Much Does Embedded Analytics Cost in 2024?

July 12, 2024
Comparing costs across top embedded analytics solutions in 2024
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How Much Does Embedded Analytics Cost in 2024?

What is Embedded Analytics?

Embedded analytics brings advanced data analysis and visualization directly into software applications, elevating their native functionality. This allows users to conduct intricate data analysis seamlessly within the app, an essential feature for SaaS solutions aiming to offer a holistic user experience. Its applications, such as user behavior tracking and personalized customer interactions, are tailored to the demands of software companies eager to provide superior in-app analytics.

Embedded Analytics Products

Embedded Dashboards

Dashboards are the cornerstone of embedded analytics, offering stakeholders a visual and intuitive overview of complex data. They are dynamic, with real-time updates for up-to-the-minute information. Certain dashboards offer the ability for end-users to customize their own. Businesses can adapt them to various needs, including layout, data sets, and visualization types. Such versatility makes them ideal for diverse applications like sales tracking and analyzing customer behavior.

Report Builders

Report builders can be invaluable tools for creating and customizing detailed reports that capture a moment in time. It's designed for ease of use, allowing users of all skill levels to effortlessly compile and arrange data. This feature enables the focus on pertinent business metrics through user-friendly interfaces and intuitive controls like drag-and-drop. Reports can range from simple data summaries to in-depth analyses, catering to diverse business requirements. Additionally, automation features streamline the reporting process, saving time and ensuring consistent data monitoring.

Generative AI for Self-Service

Generative AI in embedded analytics provides the ability for users to conduct self-service data analysis. AI simplifies the creation of custom reports and insights by generating complex data based on non-technical user prompts. It automates data processing and identifies patterns, reducing reliance on specialized personnel. Users can interact using natural language, making the system more intuitive. Beyond simplifying data analysis, generative AI provides predictive insights, enhancing decision-making with timely and relevant information tailored to specific queries.

Comparing Embedded Analytics Pricing

Looker Embedded Analytics

Renowned for its advanced analytics capabilities, Looker empowers users with deep data exploration and insight discovery. Acquired by Google in 2020, it integrates with Google’s suite of products. Its unique LookML language elevates data modeling, making it a powerful tool for complex analyses.


  • Data Exploration: Looker's platform excels in advanced data exploration, allowing users to delve deep into their datasets to unearth insights. 
  • Customization and Integration: Looker's tools are highly customizable, ensuring they can be tailored to meet specific business needs. Its integration capabilities make it a versatile choice for various business environments.
  • Advanced Data Modelling: Looker employs a unique modeling language LookML, that provides a robust layer to ensure all users have consistent data and results. However, this proprietary language does have a steep learning curve as opposed to pure SQL based modeling layers.


Looker's pricing structure for embedded analytics begins at approximately $120,000 per year. They have discontinued offering a free trial and generally don't advertise their pricing details publicly, although individuals have reported negotiating lower prices based on company volume. Their pricing scales based on individual viewers. This higher per-user price can be a deterrent for embedded analytics, especially since embedded analytics typically require widespread user access to data. Looker also outsources its support so basic support and setup is not included in their pricing, relying on outside consultants and agencies that can dramatically increase the startup and ongoing cost for Looker.


GoodData is designed for large-scale data reporting and analytics needs. Its comprehensive suite of analytics tools, combined with a user-friendly interface, makes it ideal for a broad spectrum of BI applications.


  • Scalability and Security: GoodData is designed to handle large-scale deployments, making it an ideal choice for businesses with extensive data reporting needs. Its emphasis on security ensures that data remains protected, a crucial aspect for enterprise-level analytics.
  • Comprehensive Analytics Solutions: Offering a wide range of analytics tools, GoodData caters to diverse business intelligence needs, from basic reporting to complex data visualizations.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Despite its comprehensive nature, GoodData maintains a user-friendly interface, making it accessible for non-technical users.


GoodData offers a distinct pricing structure for internal and embedded analytics. For internal analytics, the startup plan is reasonably priced at $360 per-user per year, with a platform fee of $1,500 per year. They offer a 30-day free trial to try their platform. However, for their embedded analytics features, to provide high-quality analytics to your customers, the cost is significantly higher at $18,000 per year ($1,500 per month) for their base platform fee plus additional costs for each workspace or customer that you serve. To get access to data source managers, an important consideration for embedded analytics, companies must upgrade to a more expensive bespoke Enterprise plan.


The oldest of the business intelligence solutions, Tableau is well known for its complex visualization capabilities. Its strengths are in creating impactful data visualizations and its wide-ranging connectivity options.


  • Intuitive User Interface: Tableau is known for its point and click interface, allowing users to build visualizations and dashboards without code.
  • Robust Visualization Tools: Tableau's strength lies in its powerful data visualization capabilities, enabling users to create compelling and insightful data representations.
  • Wide Range of Connectivity Options: It offers extensive connectivity options, allowing users to integrate data from numerous sources seamlessly.


Tableau's general pricing structure for server licensing is tiered, offering three user types: Creator ($840 per year), Explorer ($420 per year), and Viewer ($144 per year). Each tier caters to different user needs, with Creators having the most comprehensive access and capabilities, followed by Explorers and Viewers with more limited functionalities.

For embedded analytics, Tableau provides two licensing options, tailored for external use cases, like integrating with customer-facing applications. The Named User license offers discounted rates for Explorer at $315 per year and Viewer at $108 per year. This pricing is contingent on embedding dashboards for a company’s external customers and scales upwards with the usage of the product. Alternatively, the Core based license, priced at $72,000 per 8 cores per year, is designed for scenarios with variable user numbers and concurrency rates, focusing on server capacity rather than individual users. This license allows businesses increased flexibility at a much higher cost.


Distinguished for its customization and white-label solutions, Explo seamlessly integrates into existing systems, maintaining brand consistency. Its user-friendly, embeddable analytics solutions are designed for diverse business environments and industry needs.


  • Customization and White-Label Solutions: Explo’s highly customizable analytics solutions can be seamlessly embedded into existing systems. Its white-label options are particularly beneficial for businesses seeking to maintain consistent branding.
  • User-Friendly and Easily Embeddable: Explo focuses on delivering analytics solutions that are not only easy to use but also simple to embed into existing applications, enhancing user experience and integration.
  • Flexibility: The platform is designed to cater to a variety of business needs and industries, making it a versatile choice for different industries.


Explo's pricing for its embedded analytics solution is structured to offer value at different scales of use. Uniquely, Explo’s “Launch Tier” offers a forever free plan with unlimited internal dashboard use and access to a dashboard builder without any cost, providing a risk-free way for companies to begin their journey analytics.

The next tier, the Growth plan, costs $8,350 per year ($695 per month) and is their entry point to embedded analytics. For more advanced needs, the Pro plan is $23,940 per year ($1,995 per month) and includes unlimited data schemas, white-labeled dashboards, and additional tools like a report builder and email add-ons. With a no-risk starting price and plans that scale for your business’s needs, Explo is the best end-to-end embedded analytics solution.


In 2024, embedded analytics solutions present a broad variety of pricing, influenced by the provider, the scale of deployment, and feature sets. In selecting the right solution, companies need to weigh aspects such as implementation ease, customization options, and white-labeling potential. Among the many strong options, Explo should be under consideration given its balance of functionality, user-friendliness, and cost-effectiveness. For businesses looking to enhance their SaaS solutions with powerful analytics, exploring Explo’s offerings could be a valuable step in their decision-making process.

Additional Insights:

Andrew Chen

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Explo, the publishers of Graphs & Trends, is an embedded analytics company. With Explo’s Dashboard and Report Builder product, you can a premium analytics experience for your users with minimal engineering bandwidth.
Learn more about Explo →